Representative Payee
For people with serious cognitive, mental or developmental disabilities, knowing how to manage money properly can mean the difference between living independently, and becoming homeless. Failure to pay the monthly rent or bills can result in the loss of utilities, credit termination and even eviction, placing vulnerable individuals at risk and increasing the need for intervention services.
As a designated Representative Payee, Family & Children’s Service is approved by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to assist individuals and families who are unable to appropriately manage their finances due to physical, mental or emotional impairment and/or substance abuse. Rep Payee clients may be young or elderly, developmentally disabled or suffering from drug or alcohol addiction or mental health problems. They may be referred to FCS by a local social service organization, a mental health facility, the NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities, the SSA, the Veterans Administration and/or a private physician.

Representative Payee is currently taking on new clients, please call
our direct line 732-859-2586
for more information.
Representative Payee
Our qualified, professional staff serves as the client’s money manager, paying monthly rent, utilities and other important bills on their behalf. We have a strong commitment to each client and maintain responsibility to ensure that his or her daily basic life needs are met
What is a Representative Payee?
The Representative Payee is an organization or individual appointed by the Social Security Administration to receive the Social Security Disability or SSI benefits for anyone who can’t manage his or her benefits due to mental illness, substance abuse, or other conditions that limit the beneficiary’s capacity. The payee is responsible for establishing a budget and disbursing funds to ensure that all the client’s current and future needs are met.
What is the current referral process?
All new referrals to the Payee program must be initiated by a case manager, agency, or facility. Clients are required to work with outside community case management or social workers to get the most out of the Rep Payee program.
As the Representative Payee, we are required by the Social Security Administration:
- Determine the beneficiary’s needs and use his or her payments to meet those needs.
- Save any money left after meeting the beneficiary’s current needs in an interest-bearing account for client’s future needs.
- Report any changes or events which could affect the beneficiary’s eligibility for benefits or payment.
- Keep records of all payments received and how funds were spent and saved.
- Provide benefit information to social service agencies or medical facilities that serve the beneficiary.
- Link beneficiary with outside agencies to provide any additional services needed.
- Complete written reports accounting for our use of funds.
- Return any payments to which the beneficiary is not entitled to the Social Security Administration.
How we meet daily basic life needs:
- Distributing clients’ funds most effectively
- Working with social workers to determine the best plan for each client’s monthly budget
- Working with the Social Security Administration to exchange information and ensure clients’ funds are continual
- Conserving and protecting any excess funds the client may possess to his or her benefit
- Preventing clients from becoming homeless, which in turn improves their quality of life and reduces the need for intervention by the Monmouth County Division of Social Services
How Does the Representative Payee Program Work?
As your Representative Payee, we receive your monthly benefits directly from the Social Security Administration. Funds are deposited into an FDIC insured, interest bearing account. A budget is established to ensure all bills are paid as well as providing personal spending funds for the client. All recurring bills are paid on the 1st or 3rd of each month and personal spending can be sent weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Other funds may be disbursed at any time on an as needed basis.
Is there a fee charged by the Representative Payee?
Yes, Payees are approved by the Social Security Administration to collect a fee of 10% of the monthly benefit up to $52.00 per month (2023 rate).
Representative Payee Testinmonials
“I work as a social worker at Beacon of LIFE and many of the seniors in our program utilize the Rep Payee program at Family & Children’s Service. The staff in this program have been so helpful. Many of our seniors would be unable to maintain independent living without the help of this team. They are responsive, caring, and kind. They are truly dedicated to the population that they assist. This job is anything but easy and they make it seem effortless. The staff in this program have always gone above and beyond to provide my team of social workers with the information we need in a quick, efficient manner. We are so thankful for their services, and we look forward to continuing to work with them in the future. The work that they do truly makes a difference in many lives!”
- Kelly