Giving is Personal. What motivates you to give?

Did you know that there are thousands of non-profit or 501(c)(3) organizations across Monmouth County: from parent-teacher organizations, garden clubs, and fraternal organizations, to hospitals, social service agencies, and local chapters of national organizations.  Non-profit staffs and volunteers work tirelessly to fulfill their organizations’ missions by advocating, educating, and raising funds that are essential to creating and sustaining programs and services that help people, save animals, provide food, preserve history, protect the environment, provide information so others can make informed decisions, and so much more. Read more

The Season of Giving

As we celebrate the holiday season, please consider those in our community who struggle daily with physical, mental or developmental challenges and often lack the financial and educational resources to get the help they desperately need. Some have no reliable family to count on for help. Many have been caregivers who are now unable to care for themselves. And most live lives that make them extremely vulnerable and put their health and safety at risk.Read more